Friday, June 1, 2012

Farewell to Living Room Live....

Last night, Thursday May 31, 2012 marked the conclusion of a magical, eclectic, happy, sad, invigorating, reminiscent 3-year journey at the Hideaway Cafe & Recording Studio in St. Petersburg, Florida on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Owners John & Nicole Kelly took an empty storefront on Central Avenue in the Grand Central District and transformed it into a place where local musicians, regardless of age, experience or affiliation or genre came every week to practice, try out new material, play with fellow musicians/singer/songwriter's or just to hangout in "the living room" which it truly felt like both in decor and feel.

It has been embraced by so many, and the "regulars" ( you know who you are)  appreciate it even more than the countless numbers that have walked through the doors from all walks of life and locations in this wide world because it is "home" to all of us.

So thank you John & Nicole and the many people who also worked and volunteered there and served us so many delicious meals and snacks, a few cold beers and tasteful glasses of wine, not to mention friendship and love. You all have gained our love and respect.

We look forward to the next chapter of the Hideaway Cafe.....where music is always the main entree....see 'ya soon.